Implementation notes

Device register access [link] 

nRF5x devices all look the same and regular. Device at address 0x4000000 has number 0 and interrupt 0, device at address 0x40001000 has number 1 and interrupt 1, and so on.

enum nrf5x_peripheral_id_e defines available peripheral IDs. All of them map to an address range, and an interrupt source to NVIC.

NRF_PERIPHERAL_ADDR and nrf_peripheral_addr allow to retrieve device base address, NRF_STATIC_RES_PERIPHERAL_MEM is a shortcut for declaring a DEV_STATIC_RES_MEM for a device.

Inside a device register map, there are tasks, events, shorts, interrupt handling, and then configuration registers.

This regular pattern explains why nRF5x architecture declaration adds an overlay on top of cpu_mem_read_32 and cpu_mem_write_32 to access hardware registers. nRF5x code use the following accessors:

All these accessors take device base address and task/event/register number as arguments. These accessors make the code obvious about what the driver intends to do.

PPI [link] 

PPIs are statically allocated by drivers as needed. This is done through the CONFIG_DRIVER_NRF5X_PPI_ENUM enum config token.

GPIOTE [link] 

GPIOTE channels are partitioned between GPIO ICU input and PWM outputs. Allocation between those two modules is static.

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