arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h header reference
[nRF5X platform module]

The source code of this header can be browsed online.

Description [link] 

Inside a device register map, there are tasks, events, shorts, interrupt handling, and then configuration registers.

This regular pattern explains why nRF5x architecture declaration adds an overlay on top of cpu_mem_read_32 and cpu_mem_write_32 to access hardware registers. nRF5x code use the following accessors:

All these accessors take device base address and task/event/register number as arguments. These accessors make the code obvious about what the driver intends to do.

Members [link] 

Functions [link] 

Members detail [link] 

#define ARCH_NRF_PERIPHERAL_H_ [link] 

This macro is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 21.

uint32_t nrf_event_check(uintptr_t base, uint8_t event) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 325.

this function checks whether event event is currently pending for device at base address addr.

void nrf_event_clear(uintptr_t base, uint8_t event) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 336.

this function acknowledges event event for device at base address addr.

void nrf_event_wait(uintptr_t base, uint8_t event) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 347.

this function busy-waits for event event from device at base address addr.

void nrf_event_wait_clear(uintptr_t base, uint8_t event) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 370.

this function busy-waits for event event from device at base address addr and acknowledges it.

void nrf_evt_disable(uintptr_t base, uint8_t evt) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 211.

this function removes event it from enabled event list for device at base address addr.

void nrf_evt_disable_mask(uintptr_t base, uint32_t mask) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 200.

this function removes events in mask mask from enabled event list for device at base address addr.

void nrf_evt_enable(uintptr_t base, uint8_t evt) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 190.

this function adds event it in enabled event list for device at base address addr.

void nrf_evt_enable_mask(uintptr_t base, uint32_t mask) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 179.

this function adds events in mask mask to enabled event list for device at base address addr.

bool_t nrf_evt_is_enabled(uintptr_t base, uint8_t evt) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 168.

this function checks whether event evt is enabled for peripheral at base address base.

void nrf_it_disable(uintptr_t base, uint8_t it) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 158.

this function removes interrupt it from enabled interrupt list for device at base address addr.

void nrf_it_disable_mask(uintptr_t base, uint32_t mask) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 140.

this function removes interrupts in mask mask from enabled interrupt list for device at base address addr.

void nrf_it_enable(uintptr_t base, uint8_t it) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 130.

this function adds interrupt it in interrupt list for device at base address addr.

void nrf_it_enable_mask(uintptr_t base, uint32_t mask) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 116.

this function adds interrupts in mask mask to enabled interrupt list for device at base address addr.

bool_t nrf_it_is_enabled(uintptr_t base, uint8_t it) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 94.

this function checks whether interrupt it for peripheral at base address base is enabled.

void nrf_it_set_mask(uintptr_t base, uint32_t mask) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 105.

this function updates the interrupt mask of device at base address base with mask mask.

uint32_t nrf_reg_get(uintptr_t base, uint16_t id) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 221.

this function retrieves value register id in device at base address addr.

void nrf_reg_set(uintptr_t base, uint16_t id, uint32_t data) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 232.

this function sets register id to value data in device at base address addr.

void nrf_short_disable(uintptr_t base, uint8_t id) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 315.

this function removes short id from current short enable mask for device at base address addr.

void nrf_short_disable_mask(uintptr_t base, uint32_t mask) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 297.

this function removes shorts in mask mask from current short enable mask for device at base address addr.

void nrf_short_enable(uintptr_t base, uint8_t id) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 276.

this function adds short id in current short enable mask for device at base address addr.

void nrf_short_enable_mask(uintptr_t base, uint32_t mask) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 265.

this function adds shorts in mask mask to current short enable mask for device at base address addr.

uint32_t nrf_short_get(uintptr_t base) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 243.

this function retrieves current short enable mask for device at base address addr.

bool_t nrf_short_is_enabled(uintptr_t base, uint8_t id) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 286.

this function checks whether short id is enabled for device at base address addr.

void nrf_short_set(uintptr_t base, uint32_t shorts) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 254.

this function sets current short enable mask to shorts for device at base address addr.

void nrf_task_trigger(uintptr_t base, uint8_t task) [link] 

This function is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 83.

this function triggers task task for peripheral at base address base.

#define NRF_EVENT [link] 

This macro is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 66.

This macro is for internal use only.

#define NRF_EVTEN [link] 

This macro is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 71.

This macro is for internal use only.

#define NRF_EVTENCLR [link] 

This macro is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 73.

This macro is for internal use only.

#define NRF_EVTENSET [link] 

This macro is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 72.

This macro is for internal use only.

#define NRF_INTEN [link] 

This macro is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 68.

This macro is for internal use only.

#define NRF_INTENCLR [link] 

This macro is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 70.

This macro is for internal use only.

#define NRF_INTENSET [link] 

This macro is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 69.

This macro is for internal use only.

#define NRF_REGISTER [link] 

This macro is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 74.

This macro is for internal use only.

#define NRF_SHORT [link] 

This macro is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 67.

This macro is for internal use only.

#define NRF_TASK [link] 

This macro is declared in arch/nrf5x/peripheral.h source file, line 65.

This macro is for internal use only.

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