ble/net/adv.h header reference
[Bluetooth Low Energy library module]

The source code of this header can be browsed online.

Description [link] 

This header defines Network Layer API for advertiser. This layer should be implemented by device drivers.

Advertising layer needs advertisement parameters among which:

  • Advertising interval window timers,

  • Local address,

  • Advertising data (AD),

  • Advertising packet type to send.

Parameters can be updated while the layer is alive.

If advertisement is connectable, advertiser layer may notify its delegate for connection request through relevant vtable entry.

Members [link] 

Types [link] 

Functions [link] 

Members detail [link] 

#define BLE_NET_ADV_H_ [link] 

This macro is declared in ble/net/adv.h source file, line 21.

struct ble_advertiser_delegate_vtable_s [link] 

This struct is declared in ble/net/adv.h source file, line 84.

struct net_layer_delegate_vtable_s base;
bool_t (*connection_requested)(void *delegate, struct net_layer_s *layer, const struct ble_adv_connect_s *params, dev_timer_value_t anchor) ;Return whether advertising should continue

struct ble_advertiser_delegate_vtable_s * ble_advertiser_delegate_vtable_s_from_base(void *x) [link] 

This function is declared in ble/net/adv.h source file, line 93.

struct ble_advertiser_handler_s [link] 

This struct is declared in ble/net/adv.h source file, line 75.

struct net_layer_handler_s base;
error_t (*params_update)(struct net_layer_s *layer, const struct ble_advertiser_param_s *params) ;

struct ble_advertiser_handler_s * ble_advertiser_handler_s_from_base(void *x) [link] 

This function is declared in ble/net/adv.h source file, line 81.

struct ble_advertiser_param_s [link] 

This struct is declared in ble/net/adv.h source file, line 63.

uint32_t interval_ms;
uint32_t delay_max_ms;
int16_t tx_power;
struct ble_addr_s local_addr;
bool_t connectable;
const void * ad;
size_t ad_len;
enum ble_phy_mode_e phy;

error_t ble_advertiser_params_update(struct net_layer_s *layer, const struct ble_advertiser_param_s *params) [link] 

This function is declared in ble/net/adv.h source file, line 98.

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