4.3.10 SoCLib based platforms
[Platforms module]

The SoCLib based platforms module is described through the following subsections:

Building SystemCASS [link] 

Building SoCLib requires SystemCASS, a SystemC replacement that can be used as a hardware description language. Checkout SystemCASS from svn:

svn co https://www.soclib.fr/svn/systemcass/sources

Install automake and libtool, then go into the SystemCASS directory and configure it:

cd sources
mkdir objdir
cd objdir

By default, the SystemCASS libraries and header files are installed in /usr/local. You can optionally specify the installation directory for SystemCASS with the --prefix switch:

mkdir ~/bin/systemcass
export SYSTEMCASS=~/bin/systemcass
../configure --prefix=SYSTEMCASS

Export the following variable:

export CXX=g++

Then install SystemCASS (root access is needed if SystemCASS was configured without --prefix):

make install

This step may fail for recent compilers with the following error:

../../src/entity.cc: In function 'std::ostream& sc_core::operator<<(std::ostream&, const equi_t&)':
../../src/entity.cc:466:16: error: use of an operand of type 'bool' in 'operator++' is forbidden in C++17
466 | o << ((nb++) ? " = " : "") << ity;
| ^~
make[1]: *** [Makefile:672: libsystemc_la-entity.lo] Error 1

If this is the case, edit the file sources/src/entity.cc and replace the line

o << ((nb++) ? " = " : "") << ity;


o << ((nb) ? " = " : "") << ity;
nb = !nb;

Building SoCLib [link] 

The next step is to compile SoCLib for MutekH. Clone the repository:

hg clone https://code.ssji.net/hg/diaxen/soclib-ng/

Add the SoCLib utils/bin directory to the path environment variable:

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/soclib-ng/utils/bin

Export the SystemCASS binary directory and proceed to build the MutekH kernel tutorial. If SystemCASS was installed by default to /usr/local, export SYSTEMC as being /usr/local:

export SYSTEMC=/usr/local

If SystemCASS was configured with --prefix, export SYSTEMC with the prefix value. Following the above example:

export SYSTEMC=~/bin/systemcass

Before building the MutekH kernel tutorial, you need to edit a configuration file if you are bulding for 64-bit platforms. Assuming you are building for GNU/Linux, edit soclib-ng/utils/lib/python/soclib_cc/config/built-in.conf and change the line

("x86_64*linux*", 'linux64' ),


("x86_64*linux*", 'linux' ),

Add lib-linux to the shared library path. If SystemCASS was installed by default in /usr/local:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib-linux

If --prefix was used for configuring SystemCASS, following the above example:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/bin/systemcass/lib-linux

Now build the MutekH kernel tutorial from a Python environment where the Python version is 2.7:

cd soclib-ng/platform/mutekh_kernel_tutorial

This generates the executable system.x. In order to start the simulation, you need a MutekH image. For example, here is how to generate one for ARM:

cd /path/to/mutekh
make CONF=examples/hello/config BUILD=soclib-arm:pf-tutorial:shell

Now run the simulation as follows:

/path/to/soclib-ng/platform/mutekh_kernel_tutorial/system.x arm:1 hello-soclib-arm.out

Note that SoCLib requires xterm to be installed.

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