3.6 Network stack library
[Libraries module]

The Network stack library module is described through the following subsections:

Network library is a framework for designing network stacks. It is built around 3 main objects:

  • a set of layers,

  • tasks,

  • a scheduler.


A network layer is a part of a networking stack. Depending on actual needs, layer may be statically or dynamically allocated on a per-session basis.

For instance, in a TCP/IP stack, Ethernet, IP and TCP layers are long-lived, whereas TCP session layer (for a single source/target IP/port tuple) is shorter-lived.

Layers communicate exclusively through tasks that are executed in a unique scheduler for a given stack.

Layers are stacked in a tree fashion. Root is close to the network interfaces, leaves are closer to the application. A layer has a single parent layer in stack, but may have multiple children layers.

All layers are refcounted. Parents hold a refcount on children (and not the other way around). An interface layer that gets destroyed (because the communication medium disappears) implicitly drops references on children layers which will, in turn, get destroyed.

Each layer should check for parent validity before sending a task to it.

Communication at borders of libnetwork (between libnetwork and other modules) is done through a delegate pattern. Each layer is responsible for declaration of its delegate vtable and API.

Layers provide a set of entry points for scheduler to send tasks and update state. Main entry point for task handling is task_handle.


A network task is a work load to be handled by a given layer. It may be of various types among:

  • a timeout,

  • a packet to handle, inbound or outbound,

  • a request to respond to,

  • a response to a request,

  • a one-way notification.

A task always has a source layer and a target layer. A layer may send a task to itself.

Task always take references to source and target headers, therefore, source and target layers of a given task may not disappear.

Tasks that are not handled yet may be cancelled.

There are various helpers to intialize and send tasks directly.

Memory allocation policy for tasks is flexible. Scheduler contains a slab for allocating basic tasks, but any layer may provide its own allocation policy for its tasks. Every task must have a destroy function that is called on task completion or cancel.


Network scheduler maintains state of tasks. It has a time source for tracking timeouts of tasks and handles delivery to destination layers.

Scheduler ensures each layer is executing its task_handle entry point non-concurrently. This avoids usage for locking in each layer.

Whether multiple layers may run in parallel is an implementation detail. Whether layer entry points are called from a thread, a kroutine or other scheduling routines in an implementation detail as well.

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