ble/util/channel_mapper.h header reference
[Bluetooth Low Energy library module]

The source code of this header can be browsed online.

Description [link] 

this header contains all declarations for the Channel Mapper utility object.

Members [link] 

Type [link] 

Functions [link] 

Members detail [link] 

#define BLE_UTIL_CHANNEL_H_ [link] 

This macro is declared in ble/util/channel_mapper.h source file, line 21.

uint8_t ble_channel_mapper_chan_get(struct ble_channel_mapper_s *mapper, uint16_t event) [link] 

This function is declared in ble/util/channel_mapper.h source file, line 81.

this function retrieves channel to run on for given event. Event may not be before last event number passed to last call to ble_channel_mapper_event_set.

Returned channel is the Data Channel Index (See 6.B.1.4.1).

void ble_channel_mapper_cleanup(struct ble_channel_mapper_s *mapper) [link] 

This function is declared in ble/util/channel_mapper.h source file, line 64.

void ble_channel_mapper_event_set(struct ble_channel_mapper_s *mapper, uint16_t event) [link] 

This function is declared in ble/util/channel_mapper.h source file, line 71.

this function sets last event as event. This allows to commit next channel map if one is pending and instant just got passed.

error_t ble_channel_mapper_init(struct ble_channel_mapper_s *mapper, uint64_t chan_map, uint8_t hop) [link] 

This function is declared in ble/util/channel_mapper.h source file, line 60.

this function initiailzes a Channel Mapper with an initial channel map and hop.

struct ble_channel_mapper_s [link] 

This struct is declared in ble/util/channel_mapper.h source file, line 45.

This utility object tracks channel mapping of a running data connection. It does not decides on channel mapping, but simply keeps track of which channel to set connection event on depending on current channel map, future channel map, switch instant, and last connection channel.

This can be used either by master of slave side of a connection.

error_t ble_channel_mapper_update_push(struct ble_channel_mapper_s *mapper, uint16_t instant, uint64_t chan_map) [link] 

This function is declared in ble/util/channel_mapper.h source file, line 89.

this function pushes a channel map update as pending until instant. If instant passed already, this function may return an error.

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