ble/stack/beacon.h header reference
[Bluetooth Low Energy library module]

The source code of this header can be browsed online.

Description [link] 

this header contains all declarations for a Beacon functionnality.

Members [link] 

Type [link] 

Functions [link] 

  • error_t ble_beacon_create(struct ble_stack_context_s *context, const struct ble_beacon_config_s *config, struct net_layer_s **beaconer)
  • error_t ble_beacon_update(struct net_layer_s *beaconer, const struct ble_beacon_config_s *config)

Members detail [link] 

#define BLE_STACK_BEACON_H_ [link] 

This macro is declared in ble/stack/beacon.h source file, line 21.

struct ble_beacon_config_s [link] 

This struct is declared in ble/stack/beacon.h source file, line 44.

this struct contains all data a beacon advertises for.

enum ble_phy_mode_e phy;
struct ble_addr_s local_addr;Device address the beacon uses
struct ble_uuid_s group_uuid;Beacon group
int16_t tx_power;TX power in 0.125 dBm steps
int8_t one_meter_rssi;Indicative RSSI measured one meter apart from beacon
uint16_t major;Major/minor
uint16_t minor;
uint32_t interval_ms;Interval in milliseconds between advertise events

error_t ble_beacon_create(struct ble_stack_context_s *context, const struct ble_beacon_config_s *config, struct net_layer_s **beaconer) [link] 

This function is declared in ble/stack/beacon.h source file, line 73.

this function creates an advertiser layer with relevant parameters to implement an iBeacon functionality.

On success, returned layer will advertise as long as it is referenced. It may be destroed through net_layer_refdec.

Parameter list:

  • beaconer: Layer reference (out)

The return value is 0 on success, or an error

error_t ble_beacon_update(struct net_layer_s *beaconer, const struct ble_beacon_config_s *config) [link] 

This function is declared in ble/stack/beacon.h source file, line 80.

this function updates configuration of beacon layer.

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